Windows PC Version
- The installer for NAVLIPI Keyboard for Windows is now signed with DigiCert EV code signing certificate. You can get it from here:
NOTE to Webmaster: If you like, you can “disguise” the text of this link with something else, like “NAVLIPI Windows PC Keyboard”
- You can access the three (3) NAVLIPI keyboards just as you would any other foreign language keyboards: Press the Windows key and then the Space key. The available keyboards (all that you have installed) will show as a popup. Select one of the three NAVLIPI keyboards therefrom and you should be good to go!
- To toggle between the three NAVLIPI keyboards, it is suggested you use Ctrl + Shift as the keyboard sequence as it is very convenient and easy to use. To set this up, do the following:
- Go to Settings> Time & Language> Language > (Extreme RHS Top) Spelling, typing & keyboard settings > Scroll down to Advanced keyboard settings > Input language hot keys> (In Popup Menu) Change Key Sequence >Under “Switch Keyboard Layout”, Select Ctrl + Shift
MAC Version
Navlipi is on the macOS market:
NOTE to Webmaster: Again, if you like, you can “disguise” the text of this link with something else, like “NAVLIPI MAC Keyboard”